This is an interesting documentary about 2012:
1. The image from Nostradamus shown on the far left, which is a drawing before his last drawing (see below) shows a necklace with an image of a full moon in the locket. Though this was not discussed during the video, Nostradamus predicted a coming of a world teacher, which the bible also predicted as the return of the Christ. Nostradamus identified this teacher with eight signs. According to John Hogue, the author of Nostradamus, who compared several teachers of the 20th century, only Osho fulfilled all the 8 signs. It is also interesting that Osho’s birth name is Rajneesh, which means the lord of the full moon, and, he initiated people into sannyas by giving them a mala with 108 beads and a locket with his photo.

Osho says that Zen is the ultimate religion. I agree 1,000%! Zen has no gurus and no saviors – there is no one to follow but the Truth that resides within the empty core of your own being – this emptiness is the same emptiness that the Universe is made of. It is all there is!
Watch the video and contemplate over where you’d like to be when the sun gives you an opportunity to make a choice between the two roads that the Hopi drawings and predictions indicate. You have the power to make this choice!