Dear Friends and fellow travelers,
Happy 2015 – the Year of Many Opportunities!
This is the year that many people have been waiting and preparing for! It is the year where those who have been sincerely working to sharpen their intelligence and cultivate courage and self-responsibility will be finally ready to let go of the past and reap the rewards! This is the year when many souls will be trans-mutating like caterpillars turning into butterflies. As bringers of a new paradigm shift on earth, they will be starting to build new foundations for the next phase of human evolution. These precious souls will also be the ones who will be taking on the added responsibility of helping others into a new dimension of consciousness. Though this is a difficult phase in our human evolution, it is also the greatest thus far!
Humanity as a whole has never before been ready to live in a higher dimension of consciousness because of its unwillingness to look at and accept what is fleeting and temporary. Because of their fear of survival, many people have allowed themselves to be manipulated and ruled by a few. Those who have been clever, and have learned how to manipulate other people’s fears and greed have conditioned you with fairy tale stories so you keep dreaming for that perfect life or perfect relationship that will take you out of your pain and suffering. By allowing yourself to be manipulated, you have allowed others to control your joy, power, and creativity and turn you into an obedient machine.
The manipulation is done so subtly that you don’t even realize that you are being lied to. The lies have succeeded to appear as truths because you have been conditioned to look outside of yourself for happiness. That perfect partner will solve your problems and will protect you from feeling insecure and alone; that perfect house, car, or designer label will fill your lack of self-confidence; that sought after recognition will fulfill your sense of unworthiness and lack of self-love; and that your religious beliefs will protect you from evil and save you from your fear of death and the unknown.
It is time to open your eyes and wake up to the Truth that is within you! This year is the beginning of breaking down of that thin veil that separates you from the power of your own inner consciousness. The question you need to ask yourself is: “Am I ready to take full responsibility for my own life?”

As we begin to uncover the hidden gifts in this coming year, we must prepare ourselves to live each new moment and the possibilities it brings us fully, without holding anything back!
Here at the Dalian School for Health & Consciousness, we are beginning the New Year with an exciting new project and we would like to invite you to join us!
This year we would like to expand our Healing into Consciousness Global Family of courageous souls and connect people who have been growing their inner light and expanding their consciousness.
We would like to invite everyone who has been working with me and those who are now finding their way to this beautiful energy field of seekers to join us!
We have lots to share with you about what we are preparing for 2015, and will send you more details in the next newsletter(s). Please stay tuned.
In the meantime, here are a few practical offerings that are around the corner if you feel ready to join us.
Free Public Talk at Wellspring Health in Delta, BC
Sunday, January 18, 1 – 2:30 pm

7 Day Healing into Consciousness Retreat!In the desert at Joshua Tree Retreat Center, CA
March 1-8, 2015

This is a one-of-a kind retreat at Joshua Tree Retreat Center in California and is offered ONCE EVERY TWO YEARS!These seven special days are filled with many opportunities to dig deeper into your unconscious, shed more layers of the baggage you have been carrying, and fast-forward your transformation!Experience deep and practical personal work with Mada from dawn to dusk. Supported by the silence and stillness of the desert and a beautiful company of courageous seekers.Joshua Tree Retreat Center offers something unique that can only be experienced in a desert! If you are ready to explore and enter into a new dimension of reality we would love to have you there!
Only few spots are left. If you are planning to attend, please register without delay to avoid disappointment.

Watch a video clip from last retreat.
With love and blessings!
Mada & Jessica