Dear Mada,
Just a short note to let you know what’s happening. first of all thank you so for taking my friends and family.
I have just completed a 8 day lemon cleanse (body did not want to do ten) I feel very light and so at peace. Gary and I are so in love again, I am relaxing around him and his control is slipping away. Very nice!! He is so changed after working with you, he gets into sheer joy and laughs a lot. What a gift you have given us!
My knee is almost all pain free(90%) I can walk without limping! Hooray! When I stand up for myself I feel so very free. Thank you for that.
My mediation is going deeper that ever and I am enjoying the peace and the centeredness that comes with it.
My relationship with my daughters are very different and they notice a change in me.
I am so amazed when I stand, it is such a joy just to stand!! This Jollean is very different and there is still work to be done.
Much love to you Mada, I fell so blessed that existence put you in my path
Jollean (Calgary, AB)
P.S I am so enjoying Osho