Q: I recently received a question that many of you may also have:
I am trying to learn to protect myself from absorbing everyone else’s energy because it exhausts me. How do I keep an open loving heart, while still protecting my own internal balance from being offset by others?
A: The funny thing is that when you think how to be in your heart you are already out! When you are in your heart it does not matter what others do. What I would suggest is that it is better to be concerned about how to be a witness to all that happens inside and outside instead of trying to “protect” yourself. This is so you can see your ego-mind and understand that you are not your ego but only a witness. By trying to “protect” yourself you close your own heart and at the same time miss being in your full power and center. That being said, the best way to “protect” yourself is to find and be with people who are on the same wavelength and are supportive of you.